Electronic Signatures (eSign service)
Electronic Signatures (eSign service)

Electronic Signatures (eSign Service)

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is eSign Electronic Signature Service?
  2. Where the eSign Online Electronic Signature Service can be used?
  3. What are the challenges to be addressed using eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service?
  4. What are the objectives of eSign online Electronic Signature Service?
  5. Whether eSign online Electronic Signature Service is a replacement for the existing Digital Signature?
  6. What are the major difference between traditional digital Signatures eco system and new eSign online Electronic Signature Service?
  7. Is my privacy protected?
  8. Whether eSign is a legally valid signature?
  9. Who can provide eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service?
  10. What are the requirements for using eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service for application users?
  11. Who owns the eSign Electronic Signature Service and who are the beneficiaries?
  12. Whether the Digital Signature Certificate is revocable?
  13. Who are authorized to provide eSign Electronic Signature Service?


1. What is eSign Electronic Signature Service?

eSign Electronic Signature Service is an innovative initiative for allowing easy, efficient, and secure signing of electronic documents by authenticating signer using e-KYC services. With this service, any eSign user can digitally sign an electronic document without having to obtain a physical digital signature dongle. The eSign service can be used by users i.e. Applicant(s)/Agent(s) as an alternative way to sign electronic forms and documents. For eSign, the need to obtain Digital Signature Certificate through a printed paper application form with ink signature and supporting documents will not be required.Users can apply electronic signature on any electronic content by authenticating themselves through OTP using e-KYC services. eSign service provider facilitates key pair generation and Certifying Authority issues a Digital Signature Certificate. The eSign Service Provider facilitates creation of the Digital Signature of the user for the document which will be applied to the document on acceptance by the user.

2. Where the eSign Online Electronic Signature Service can be used?

IPO has integrated eSign online electronic signature service into the e-filing portal of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. The users of the portal will be able to use eSign. A physical paper form/document which is currently used to obtain digital signature certificate can be replaced by its electronic form thereby facilitating electronic signature of the signer through eSign.

3. What are the challenges to be addressed using eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service?

Personal digital signature certificate requires person’s identity verification and issuance of USB dongle to store private key. The access to private key is secured with a password/pin. Current procedure of procuring Digital Signature Certificates require physical verification, document based identity validation, and issuance of physical dongles that needs to be safe guarded by the user. eSign- Online Electronic Signature Serviceoffers hassle-free fully paperless, secure and quick solution. It allowsall the citizens to have the ability to digitally sign electronic documents.

4. What are the objectives of eSign online Electronic Signature Service?

eSign Online electronic signature service, offers a mechanism to replace manual paper based signatures. An eSign user can electronically sign a form/document anytime, anywhere, and on any device. eSign service facilitates significant reduction in paper handling costs, improves efficiency, and offers convenience to the users.

5. Whether eSign online Electronic Signature Service is a replacement for the existing Digital Signature?

No. The existing method of obtaining Digital Signature Certificate by submission of a paper application form to a Certifying Authority, key pair generation by applicant, Certification of public key of applicant by a Certifying Authority, signature generation as and when required using signature generation tools/utilities , safe custody of key pairs on Crypto tokens by DSC holder till the expiry of Digital Signature Certificate, etc. will continue to exist along with eSign Online Electronic Signature Service.

6. What are the major difference between traditional digital Signatures eco system and new eSign online Electronic Signature Service?

In the traditional Digital Signature system, an individual is responsible for applying for a Digital Signature Certificate to CA, key pair generation and safe custody of keys. The Certifying Authorities issue Digital Signature Certificate to individuals after verification of credentials submitted in the application form. Such Digital Signature Certificates are valid generally for 2-3 years. Individual can affix digital signature any time during the validity of Digital Signature Certificate. The certificates are revoked in case of loss or compromise of keys. The verification of the individual’s signature requires the verification of whether the DSC is issued under India PKI and also ascertaining the revocation status of the DSC. Key pairs are stored in Crypto Tokens which comply with standards mentioned in the Information Technology Act & Rules to prevent the duplication of keys. It is individual’s obligation for safe custody of Crypto Tokens. The signatures are created using the keys certified by CA.

In the eSign online Electronic Signature Service, the processes of key pair generation, certification of the public key based on authenticated response and issuance of digital signature, are facilitated by the eSign online Electronic Signature Service provider instantaneously within a single transaction of online service.The key pairs are used only once and the private key is deleted after one time use. The Digital Signature Certificates are valid for 30 minutes. This makes verification simple by eliminating the requirements of revocation checking. Document that is signed using eSign contains a valid digital signature that can be easily verified using standard methods.

7. Is my privacy protected?

Yes. Document content that is being signed is not sent to eSign service provider. The privacy of signer's information is protected by sending only the one-way hash of the document to eSign online Electronic Signature Service provider. Each signature requires a new key-pair and certification of the new Public Key by a Certifying Authority. This back-end process is completely transparent to the signer.

8. Whether eSign is a legally valid signature?

Yes. The Electronic Signatures facilitated through eSign Online Electronic Signature Service are legally valid provided the eSign signature framework is operated under the provisions of Second Schedule of the Information Technology Act and Guidelines issued by the Controller. Please refer Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2015 - e- authentication technique using e-KYC services.

9. Who can provide eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service?

eSign Online Electronic Signature Service is offered by CAs. The list of Authorised CAs is available on the website of Controller of Certifying Authorities (http://www.cca.gov.in/service-providers.html)

10. What are the requirements for using eSign- Online Electronic Signature Service for application users?

The user should have e-KYC identification Number. For OTP based authentication, the mobile number should be registered with ESP Database.

11. Who owns the eSign Electronic Signature Service and who are the beneficiaries?

eSign Service Providers offer the eSign Online Electronic Signature Service. Application Service Providers (IPO in current case) and individuals availing service of ASP are the beneficiaries.

12. Whether the Digital Signature Certificate is revocable?

Revocation of certificate is not necessary as the certificate validity is 30 minutes and private key is deleted immediately after signature creation.

13. Who are authorized to provide eSign Electronic Signature Service?

At present M/s e-Mudhra, esign service provider has been authorized and integrated to offer the service. In future, more providers may be added.