Filter Type:
(w.e.f NOV, 2024)
Due to scheduled maintenance activity, all Trademark online services shall not be available on 07-MAR-2025 1:00PM to 1:30PM.
Hearing DateNumber of ApplicationsList of Applications
12-03-2025 1528 VIEW
13-03-2025 1197 VIEW
17-03-2025 1440 VIEW
18-03-2025 1600 VIEW
19-03-2025 1487 VIEW
20-03-2025 1503 VIEW
21-03-2025 14 VIEW
24-03-2025 1445 VIEW
25-03-2025 1508 VIEW
26-03-2025 1598 VIEW
27-03-2025 1466 VIEW
28-03-2025 161 VIEW
01-04-2025 1326 VIEW
02-04-2025 1348 VIEW
03-04-2025 1323 VIEW
07-04-2025 1565 VIEW
08-04-2025 1349 VIEW
09-04-2025 1271 VIEW
11-04-2025 1 VIEW
14-04-2025 423 VIEW
15-04-2025 1042 VIEW
16-04-2025 1031 VIEW
17-04-2025 974 VIEW
21-04-2025 889 VIEW
22-04-2025 914 VIEW
23-04-2025 870 VIEW
24-04-2025 889 VIEW
28-04-2025 929 VIEW
29-04-2025 886 VIEW
30-04-2025 900 VIEW
01-05-2025 450 VIEW
05-05-2025 450 VIEW
06-05-2025 450 VIEW
07-05-2025 450 VIEW
08-05-2025 266 VIEW